Game Design in Australia: Facilitated Immigration

Australia has announced that game developers seeking to immigrate to the country will benefit from a streamlined process, thanks to new skilled migration guidelines. This update makes Game Design in Australia even more appealing as a location to establish game development studios

Recently, Australia has announced that game developers seeking to immigrate to the country will benefit from a streamlined process, thanks to new skilled migration guidelines.

This update makes Game Design in Australia even more appealing as a location to establish game development studios, reinforcing its status as a destination of choice on the global stage. With a favorable environment and these legislative changes, Australia stands out as one of the primary hubs for professionals and companies in the gaming industry.


Game Design in Australia: Facilitated Immigration for Professionals in the Field

The Australian Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL)


The Australian Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL) will be expanded to include twenty-two new occupations, including skills essential for Game Design in Australia and software development, aimed at strengthening the country’s gaming market. For those unfamiliar, the Australian Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List simplifies the entry of professionals into certain fields, allowing them to apply for a visa exempt from pandemic-related travel restrictions.

Additionally, Australia already has a program known as Australian Skilled Migration, which provides a pathway to obtaining a work visa for immigrants based on a list of occupations from the Skilled Occupation List (SOL).

Game Design in Australia: Benefits for Industry Companies


This news is extremely positive for industry companies, including independent developers (indie), especially due to Australia’s strong cultural support for the entertainment sector. Considering that both small and large productions often choose Australia as a filming location, this favorable environment also extends to Game Design in Australia.


While in recent years the country has been more restrictive regarding games, it is important to note that age ratings can vary between countries. What is considered suitable for a 16-year-old audience in the US, for example, may be classified as suitable only for those over 18 in Australia. However, this should not be seen as a significant obstacle for the industry. It is crucial to remember that the gaming industry has also faced criticism, particularly regarding issues of abuse of power and inadequate representation, with female characters often being underrepresented or poorly represented.


However, it is important to highlight that these challenges are being recognized and addressed, with the industry seeking greater inclusion and representation in its works.



Game Design in Australia

Average Salary for Game Design in Australia


It is important to highlight that the average annual salary for game designer jobs in Australia ranges between $90,000 and $110,000. This attractive salary range reflects the recognition of the value and demand for skilled professionals in the gaming industry in the country.


It is worth noting that these numbers may vary depending on experience, location, and company size, but they offer a promising perspective for those seeking a career in the field of Game Design in Australia.


career in the field of Game Design in Australia


The landscape for Game Design in Australia is evolving rapidly, offering exciting opportunities for professionals in the field. With streamlined immigration processes, supportive cultural policies, and attractive salary ranges, Australia emerges as a prime destination for individuals aspiring to carve out a career in game design. The country’s commitment to fostering innovation and creativity within the gaming industry further solidifies its appeal, promising a dynamic and thriving environment for both independent developers and established studios.


For those looking to seize these opportunities and embark on a rewarding career journey in game design or other technology fields, rely on Spiible Tech courses to obtain all the support and guidance needed to leverage your career. As a trusted resource in the field of education and career advancement, Spiible Tech provides classes with essential tools and resources to help individuals navigate the complexities of education abroad and prepare them for securing international employment. Whether it’s honing skills, exploring educational opportunities, or ensuring job prospects, Spiible Tech’s experience and dedication empower individuals to achieve their ambitions and stand out in their chosen paths.


So, whether you’re passionate about Game Design in Australia or other technology fields around the world, count on Spiible Tech to propel your career forward and unlock a world of possibilities. With Spiible Tech by your side, the journey to success in the ever-evolving world of technology begins here!

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